Obtain paginated paylists for the client This endpoint serves to retrieve a paginated list of paylists for a specific client within a date range. Users can specify the start date and end date to filter the paylists. If not provided, default values will be used. This endpoint is a critical tool for monitoring and tracking the progress of paylists over a specific period of time.

curl 'https://api.demo.getontop.com/payment-agent/paylists?startDate=2023-09-01T00:00:00Z&endDate=2023-09-30T23:59:59Z&page=0&size=20' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  "content": [
      "paylistId": 231,
      "flowStage": "COMPLETED",
      "description": "Paylist for September 2023",
      "total": 10000.00
  "pageable": {
    "sort": {
      "sorted": true,
      "unsorted": false,
      "empty": false
    "offset": 0,
    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "paged": true,
    "unpaged": false
  "totalElements": 100